Have you ever seen one of those mothers or wives, all put together, well behaved children and you just knew they had it all together? Shoot, I have had that compliment paid to me a time or two. I wish it were true. Honestly, I am completely falling apart on the inside. Don't get me wrong! I am happy! Life at home is fabulous! Trying to find my place...that appears to be my theme for 2014. It is not easy, let me tell you. I have applied for job after job after job. By the time I finish the application, I have changed my mind fifteen times and come up with 102 reasons why this job won't work for me. But the real truth is- I still want to be a nurse. Yesterday, I sat in church, listening to the music, looking around and observing what was going on. Everyone looked as though they had it all together. I know that each of us has our struggles but some really do have it all together. One of the members got up front during the music and called for her Prayer Warriors. I like t...