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My many reasons for having a grateful heart today and every day:

1. Unconditional love. In spite of all my mistakes as a mother, my children have a heart so big that they can look beyond any bad words spoke. To have a relationship so strong, nothing on this earth will break it. Not even God himself.

2. Trust. I've been trusted with the lives of two beautiful souls. That’s a pretty overwhelming and awesome task. Ask any mother.

3. Anger. Out of anger comes tears, love and hugs.

4. Peace. The overwhelming feel that washes over you when you sit at your kitchen table, gaze out the window and realize that beyond all the inner demons in your life now and before, you've never  had this much peace in your life as you do right now.

5. Happiness. Driving down a country road, on a crisp, fall morning, looking around at all the beautiful reds, golden yellows and fiery oranges of the trees as they change colors. Or waking up, only to see the most beautiful man you've ever laid eyes on laying in your bed…

6. Family. Sometimes you find that it doesn't take blood to call someone family. I call them my brothers and sisters because the bond and experiences we share have brought us much closer than blood possibly could.

7. Enemies. They remind you to be grateful for those you hold close. They teach you about broken hearts, wounded souls and mending fences.

8. Tears. I've been told they cleanse the soul. Lately, mine have been joy and frustration. I’m not quite sure I want that washed away.

9. Distance. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. The time away from my husband makes our time together so much more gratifying. But at the same time, “out of sight, out of mind” gives truth for those that trouble you.

10. Alone time. I use my alone time to reflect and pray.

11. Conversation. Sitting down in my living room with my husband and beautiful children to talk about future college plans, career plans, and past life experiences. Hearing my son talk about his dreams…one of the most proud moments in my life.

12. Unanswered prayers. Situations in my life would be 100% different if they'd all been answered. Sometimes, God knows better than we do. Most times...

More Gratitude:
For a teenager who still kisses his mother good bye and good night; who is not ashamed of his family; whose heart belongs to God; who will tell me 10 times in one hour that he loves me and who is not afraid to shed a few tears. For a daughter who gives some of the best hugs, has the voice of an angel; who has a free heart and loves so many despite those who have wronged her. For an ex husband who taught me what to appreciate. Yes, as much as I despise him, I’m still grateful for him. I learned what not to do, and what battles to pick. For a husband who loves me completely and unconditional; who still opens my car door, pulls out my chair, kisses me until I can’t breathe, gives me butterflies even when he’s not in my presence and loves my children more than life itself. He gives without asking for anything in return and he makes loving him so incredibly easy. For being my best friend, for letting me have the occasional melt down and for putting up with a cry baby. Most of all, for letting me be me.

For friends, knowing the most intimate details of my life and still loving me, uplifting me and never judging me. For being there not just physically but mentally and emotionally.

Last but not least, for my puppy who meets me at the door every day with a wagging tail. Who cuddles and loves me just as a dog does. He truly is man’s (or woman’s) best friend.

There is so much more I’m grateful for but material things come and go. I may not verbally express my appreciation but I go out of my way to show it each and every day.


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