It is that time of year. Yep, everyone makes promises they have no intentions of keeping with the coming year. Sure, we all have good intentions. But like everything else, we take life for granted and along the way we forget what we'd promised to do four months ago. Some people might see them through, but most do not. I feel that making resolutions just sets you up for failure. 2013 has been incredibly amazing. I thought my life changed four years ago. Holy moly. This year tops it all. New job, college graduate, adding two more kiddos to our crew for just keeps getting better and better. To round out our year, my fantastic husband has discovered something new in his life and I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude. (more on that later) If I could change one thing about 2013 and even about myself-control. Yes, we all know about the control freak I am. But surprisingly, I have discovered one thing I have absolutely no control over-how much I allow people to continuou...