Pronunciation: \ˈha-pē-nəs\ Function: noun Date: 15th century 1 obsolete : good fortune : prosperity 2 a : a state of well-being and contentment : joy b : a pleasurable or satisfying experience That's Webster's definition of happiness. Most everyone in life wants it, most people attain it and others live it. For the better part of life, I've only experienced the first two. Not saying I've never been happy, but it's been more of "happy moments" and not true genuine life-long happiness. This past month...nothing but. This amazing man came into my life and turned my world upside down. Literally. When I got divorced, I was open to the idea of dating but certainly had no intentions of "settling down". I'd been in a relationship for a better part of 13 years and wanted to experience "single life". So when I met this guy, my first thoughts were, "I can see myself dating him". I had no idea it would turn into so much more. Matt ...