I use facebook to keep in touch with my friends, here and afar. I also use it to keep in touch with family who lives long distance. My statuses talk about what I'm doing, how I feel or just any random thought that comes to mind. It's MY page. I keep it extremely private because of nosy idiots who have nothing better to do. At one time, I had over 300 "friends". I know I don't have that many friends, half just wanted to be nosy and see what's been going on in my life since high school and the rest just wanted high numbers. That's not my purpose. My purpose to keep in touch and have close intimate relationships with people I know and love.
So why isn't it ok to voice my opinions when I feel strongly about something? Isn't that what it's for? I don't expect everyone to agree with what I have to say. That's what makes them my friends. If everyone was just like me, we'd all be some damn boring people. I like getting feedback. I like having difference of opinions. I like debating religion and politics. I like knowing people and understanding where they are coming from. What I don't like is someone getting offended because they don't share the same beliefs as me. Really? I thought we were all adults here. Apparently not when you feel the need to delete someone just because they have stated something you don't agree with.
I have friends who are Pagans, Wiccans, Atheists and hell, my boyfriend is Agnostic. I don't judge anyone for what they believe. It's what makes them who they are and it's not my place to make judgment. Democrat, Republican...doesn't matter. What matters is if you stand up for what you believe in and are willing to support and back up what you have to say with facts and figures. Don't BS me and don't be a coward. Say what you mean and mean what you say and be a grown up about it!
Happy Thursday!
Now watcha gon' say!!?? LOL... just picking!