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good times and revelations

I'm still on cloud 23 (that's about 14 up from 9 in case you didn't know)...I had a fantastic weekend.

The boys (my man and his brothers) decided they wanted to live on the wild side for the weekend. They turned it into a bike ride/camp weekend. They went camping at Blakely State Park in Spanish Fort, AL. Here is a lil history if you've never heard of it.

-Largest National Historic Register Site east of the Mississippi River - encompassing 3800 acres nestled beside the Tensaw River.
-Last major battle of the Civil War fought here at Fort Blakeley (5 1/2 miles of unspoiled breastworks where 26,000 soldiers met)
-The South's most beautiful Ghost Town - 1814 City of Blakeley

You can get more info by clinking the link above. The boys had a fantastic time.

So while they were playing Ghost Hunters, my bestie (who I shall call Wilma), went to Foley! We had a blast checking out all the outlets and eating at Lambert's! If you've never eaten there, it's a MUST! Everything was delicious! They actually throw the rolls! HA!

Getting back home Sunday was the fun part. The boys, bless their hearts, were hung over and Wilma & I were tired from the horrible beds we slept in but all in all, we all have a great time. Once Matt & I got home, we were both ready to crash. Exhausted just wasn't the word. We napped for about 2 hours, got up and ate and then curled up in bed to watch Saw VI. It only seemed fitting for Halloween night.

About half way through the movie, Matt & I got into a deep discussion. Not heartfelt...more of a confession session, if you will. To be with someone you know and love and trust with your inner- most thoughts and feelings is something that can't be described in words. But to know that you can trust this person with your deepest, darkest secrets and skeletons; knowing they won't judge you or betray you-that, well that's just something different. It makes you feel as though the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders and it's that burden you no longer have to carry.

If I ever had the tiniest minuscule of doubt that this man loved me, it's gone now. Vanished.

I once believed no one would love me if they knew about my past. I truly believed that in my soul. I'd prayed about it and was always looking for the right moment to share my past with him but it just never seemed right. God opened that door, granted, one I was hoping would stay closed forever, but I knew in my heart that my relationship would not progress in the way I wanted it to if I didn't tell him everything there was to know about me.

Total and unconditional love and acceptance. How could I have expected anything less? I told him last night "I see God's love for me through you"...and it couldn't be more true.


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