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Hey y'all!

It has been a few months since I've taken the time to sit down and write. On my way home from work today, I had lots going through my head so I decided now was a good time to get it all out. So here goes...

Overwhelmed would be a good place to start. Damn near suffocating is probably better. Three months ago, I started a new job. I absolutely love what I do and as each day passes, I'm learning more and more. I can see myself making this a life long career and it's satisfying. I hope to work my way up the food chain.

Not long after I started working, Matt and I made a huge decision. It is one we have struggled with for quite some time but after many prayers and a lot of talking, we decided it was time to fight for custody of his kids. I won't go into details but we could definitely use some good vibes, good thoughts, and a whole lotta prayers. For now, the kiddos are with us with hopes that it will become permanent.

December 16...a day that just can't come soon enough. It is the day I'll finally graduate from college. It is still hard to believe. I keep repeating "I'm going to be a college graduate" and it still bring me to tears. It has been a long, hard journey but I'm finally going to make it. Each day that creeps closer, I breath a little bit easier. The girl who left home at age 16, got knocked up, finished high school and finally made a decent life for herself and for her family. Yep, that's me.

Next to leaving the ex, this next one is probably one of the biggest decisions I've made in my life. I've kept it quiet for awhile, mostly because I needed to be sure I was doing the right thing for myself. I have the overwhelming support of my husband and that is what sealed the deal. In late August, I will undergo weight loss surgery. I've been doing research for the last two years and after talking with my family physician and see two weight loss doctors, I've decided to have a sleeve gastrectomy. I was hesitant as to whether I'd say anything before the surgery, but only because I didn't want to hear the negative opinions and comments. But you know what? I don't care. If you can't be supportive and understanding in MY decision to do something with MY body, I have no room for you in my life. Period. I'm doing this for me and for my health. I want to live a long time. I have other health conditions that factor into this decisions as well. But ultimately, I have to live with this body for the rest of my life and I desperately want it to be healthy. I've struggled a lot in the last two years and sadly, I put back on 35 lbs of the 60 I lost two years ago while Matt was deployed. I'm tired of the constant battle with my weight for the last 10 years. This was my last ditch effort of "getting right" with myself and it wasn't an easy decision. I know the sacrifices I will make and in my opinion, it is absolutely worth it. As my doctor has told me, this is a tool in my journey to a better, healthier, more beautiful me. So I wholeheartedly accept the risks involved because it beats the alternative.

2013 has been an incredible year thus far. Beyond anything I could have ever conceived in my own imagination. Best part is, we are only half way through it.I have so much more to look forward to and so many incredible changes. I can't wait to see what else is in store. :)


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