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a note to all my mommy friends

My alarm went off at 5:05am as usual on a work day. Usually I am foggy eyed trying to wake up and move about, but not this morning. Something was different about this morning.  I turned off my alarm and laid there for a bit, taking in the peace moving through the house. My kitty was lying next to me, purring softly as she began waking up as well. She snuggled with me for a bit, stretching and purring. She’s usually up with me and does her morning routine of moving about the house with me while I get coffee and feed her.  She pounces a couple laps through the house while I am getting ready, letting me know she’s well rested and ready for the day. It is usually the only time she’s not bothered by the dog and can roam freely without being followed.

I got ready for work as usual but my ride to work was different this morning. As I stepped out on my front porch, the weather and sunshine took me to a good place. On my drive, I spent a lot of time reflecting on motherhood and all the goodness in my life when it came to my kids. Even in the chaos of my life, I find so much peace in my children. Most people probably wouldn’t say that when it comes to kids!

Over the weekend, McKenzie received a letter from Nate. They have been writing back and forth to each other since he left. I cannot begin to tell you how much that makes my heart happy. When McKenzie read her letter, she began to tear up. I know she misses him terribly. As I hugged her, I reminded her of something. I asked her if she remembered all those times that I told her to be kind to her brother and that one day, he was going to be the most important person in her life. She nodded and began to cry some more. I smiled and said, “This is why”. I sat down and she handed me the letter and said I could read it. As I read down the page, my heart filled with unspeakable joy and happiness. Eighteen years flashed before my eyes. His kind words of love, peace and encouragement spread across the page and I was completely in awe. This is my son; my son who is beginning his adult life, who is training to be a defender of his country. He’s sharing words of love and encouragement to his sister as she begins her journey into high school. He’s uplifting her to be her best. How incredibly selfless, endearing and kind he is. I knew...but I didn’t know. It rocked my soul to see this in his words.

I reflected on this on my way to work this morning and before I knew it, I was sobbing down the road. Thank goodness I wasn’t wearing makeup. SOBBING; it was tears of joy and peace. It was knowing that although I am not a perfect mother, I did something right in my son’s life. It was knowing that every single tear, sleepless night, frustration and anguish was worth it to see his heart.  It was knowing and believing that God was with me every single step of this journey and He was showing me how faithful He was to my son and my prayers. Not all parents see this early on in their kid’s lives. Sometimes they are 25, maybe even 45 before you see the fruits of your labor.

My message is this: Mommas, do not fret. Being a mom is the hardest job there is. It truly is. So much is expected of us when we raise little people to be kind, compassionate individuals of this world. Being a mom is also the most rewarding and honorable calling in your life. You have been trust with the life of another human being. That is an honor. Whether you lead by faith or by knowledge, know that you are fully equipped for this calling. You will see all your dedication and love come to fruition that I can promise. It might not happen today or even in ten years, but you will. 


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